Students at graduation with cap and gown on.
Your Success is Our Success

MyOHIO Success Network

The MyOHIO Success Network initiative directly supports the University’s Mission and Vision Statements by serving as an information and communications hub for students, faculty and student support staff to connect students with the university resources they need to successfully complete their degrees.

MyOHIO Success Network creates a personalized success network for each student improving how students can access needed support and improving how we support our students by enhancing communication and coordination of information across the University.

  • Information hub — MyOHIO Success Network allows us to effectively use information to identify the right student at the right time and refer them to the right service to support their academic success.
  • Early identification — by helping us identify who is at-risk early, we can intervene early to support students in meeting the challenges of our academic expectations.
  • Improved communication and coordination — by collecting information from a variety of sources and automating communications both to the student and to the student’s success network—advisors and student support staff who have a relationship with that student, MyOHIO Success Network helps build cross-campus communications in support of our students.
  • Engaging students — by helping keep students informed of their own progress and achievement, supporting effective actions and decisions, and referring students in need to the appropriate campus resources, MyOHIO Success Network helps students take control of their pathway to graduation.

Access to the MyOHIO Success Network

Undergraduate students, instructors, and assigned advisors have access to the MyOHIO Success Network automatically. If you need access as a supporting advisor for a specific student population, please contact Suraiya Padiyath Abdulla at